Shouldn't say "distorted", maybe "imperfect" is a better choice:
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) February 4, 2021
The #System is an imperfect #Reflection of #Reality on the surface of our #Consciousness.
The system is always an abstraction (our experience) of the real world entity. It is a concept, like that of a "pyramid", as opposed to a real ones in Giza.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 31, 2021
Tough question. Didn't realize it is time sensitive😃.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 31, 2021
Don't know about the others, but for me live music is an unfolding (dynamical) structure, as there are no discernible inputs/outputs. It is the product of a system as a static (music sheet, CD) or dynamic (performance) form.
It is the observer who selects the system by distinguishing it from everything else (the environment). The observer may *choose* to look at the behaviour of the system as a simple unity in its environment, or as a composite unity of elements with a function within the system.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 25, 2021
It is not just the question of the observer. HvF (as well as Ashby) were opposed to the idea that a system can truly "self-organize", that is, create order from a less ordered environment. They both thought (incorrectly IMO) that it can come only at the expense of the environment
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 26, 2021
I think HvF's conjecture about the system in an adiabatic envelope is the culprit. The adiabatic envelope is a fiction like the "Maxwell's demon". The whole universe may be in such an envelope, but the flow of energy within it is free. Organization use just a tiny fraction of it.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 26, 2021
Failed to mention that #information and #knowledge are internal to the #system. Knowledge represent the #state of the system. Information is the result of interpreting the outside #data using the current #knowledge_state of the system. Wisdom is just knowledgeable behaviour.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 9, 2021
And not only quantitatively (as amplifier), but qualitatively as well, because as a (reinforcing) group (herd) they can come up and do with shit that no-one would think about doing as a lone individual.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 8, 2021
… distinguish as spontaneously or artificially being conserved in some #domain of our concern. A tornado, for example, is not an entity with definite borders, and extends only as far as the #observer chooses what must be conserved in its dynamic." #H_R_Maturana
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) December 31, 2020
… "Because any real ‘ machine ‘ has an infinity of variables, from which different observers (with different aims) may reasonably make an infinity of different selections, there must first be given an observer … a #system is then defined as any set of variables that …
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) December 31, 2020
… he selects from those available on the real ‘machine‘. It is thus a list, nominated by the #observer, and is quite different in nature from the real ‘machine‘. Through- out the book, ‘the system‘ will always refer to this abstraction, not to the real material ‘machine‘.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) December 31, 2020
*Control is of the controlled*
This means that #control, like #information and #knowledge is internal to the #system. In addition, #control is only possible because the #controlled relinquished some of its #freedom by being part of the #system.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) February 4, 2021
The problem with Cybernetics is IMO the master/slave distinction it is based on: "#controller" vs. "#controlled" system, "#observer" (experimenter) vs. "#observed" system. Also, all dynamical systems (like the observer) are (per Ashby) closed to information, thus #uncontrollable
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 17, 2021
The #regulation level makes the foundation of your system and is comprised by all those #autonomous_agents that keep things together, like #frontlineworkers. This is the level in direct confrontation with, and protecting the system from the harsh #environment (like customers😃)
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 3, 2021
At the #guidance or #governance level you have your standard decision boards, CEOs or similar, with only one purpose, to look at their system, see how it fits in the environment, anticipate problems, define and promote a long term strategy, values and culture of the whole system.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 3, 2021
Nice work! Two notes that I think might be useful to remember for models.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 5, 2021
1. #W_R_Ashby's main purpose for the model was to control the machine. See
2. The model is built around numerical values, #variables, that can be measured on both, machine and model.
And what is even more important, because an organism is an #autopoietic system the model is preserved within the system. It is not some outside #schema or description but more of a "rule-book" or #recipe for internal use.
— ᛕᎥᕼᗷᗴᖇᑎᗴ丅Ꭵᑕᔕ ( (@Kihbernetics) January 5, 2021
I think I might have earned my food today. 😀